Product Quality
Why Use Essential Oils of New Zealand's Essential Oils?
Having been involved at first hand with essential oil harvesting and production, we are no strangers to all of the stringent quality control that must be in place to maintain high quality standards. With nearly 50 years in the trade, we have an understanding of essential oil crop management, harvesting and distilling techniques, including the overwhelming importance of quality as the key ingredient to successfully marketing essential oils internationally.
As professionals, we know that to secure the best quality oil not only must the original crop consist of the best plants, uncontaminated by weeds, but the crop must be harvested at the correct time to ensure highest yield and optimal quality; it must be stored correctly and further handling must protect against accidental contaminaton.
We insist that the producers that supply us meet the same stringent quality control standards that we set for ourselves. They provide us with certificates of analysis, and we have inspected the production facilities of a number of our suppliers. Our customers can be assured that the oils we supply represent the best quality obtainable.
Essential Oils of New Zealand employ several methods to test the quality of our essential oil products. These include sensory evaluation; physical evaluation of such properties as specific gravity, optical rotation, colour and clarity; and, if required, laboratory analysis using Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).
We are able to supply high quality oils at reasonable prices because we, in most instances, purchase either directly from the producers or from their immediate agents, eliminating numerous middlemen and their margins. For consistent, reliable quality you should always buy ‘Pure from Essential Oils of New Zealand’.